The largest shopping centre in Słupsk

OPEN TODAY: 9:00 - 21:00
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The Tchibo shop formula is a unique combination of a coffee bar with appetising pastries, a stand with coffee for home brewing and a shop offer and promotional collections. Tchibo coffee has been known for over 60 years and is synonymous with excellent products - from roasted, instant and bean coffees to the modern form of coffee in capsules for Caffissimo coffee machines. The Tchibo shop is also a very popular shop, where every week means a promotion on limited, thematically selected products. The range is very wide, including men's and women's clothing and underwear, children's items, homeware, kitchen accessories, electronics, decorations and even footwear. The weekly promotion includes around 30 products and attracts many loyal customers to the company shop.


Opening hours

Mon-Sat: 9:00 - 21:00
Sunday: closed