The largest shopping centre in Słupsk

OPEN TODAY: 9:00 - 21:00
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Cropp to marka dla wszystkich tych, którzy nie boją się być sobą. Inspirując się światem muzyki, sztuki i sportu, tworzy wyraziste ubrania, buty i dodatki dla kobiet i mężczyzn.
Czerpie ze swojej prawie dwudziestoletniej historii, kreatywnie łącząc miejski styl, nowoczesne inspiracje i lokalną tożsamość.
Cropp jest taki, jak jego klienci – odważny, oryginalny i bezkompromisowy. To społeczność ludzi z pasją, którzy poprzez ubranie chcą wyrazić siebie.

Street culture

Cropp has always been associated with streetweare, redefining street fashion and unique local style since its inception. It is a brand unlike any other. There is no room for artificiality - Cropp wants to accompany young people in every aspect of their everyday life.


Creative and expressive - this is the Cropp community. The brand creates a space where everyone can be 100% themselves. Through its diverse collections, it gives consumers the opportunity to create and express their unique style.

For active and enthusiastic people

It's not about the clothes, it's about the people and what they do. The brand looks for inspiration in the world of art, music and sport. Whether skateboarding around the city with a crew or dancing in the privacy of your own room, Cropp supports all activities and shows that every way of self-expression is valuable. The brand encourages you not to stay still, to keep discovering new things and to break the mould.


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Opening hours

Mon-Sat: 9:00 - 21:00
Sunday: closed

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